Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today I made the decision to lose this weight the healthy way!
By that I mean, The way I started this diet probably was not the healthiest but I wanted the quick results, but I know in the long run it will not help me at all. I'm going to try to make a commitment to myself to change the way I look at this journey, So TODAY is officially the start of the new ME! lol.
For starters I have been looking up my favorite foods and recipes to learn healthier ways to cook them! I am a chocolate ADDICT! Its one of the hardest things for me to give up, but using the handy dandy Internet I have found some amazing chocolate recipes I cant wait to try!!
Secondly the hardest meal for me to actually eat and make time to cook is breakfast! "It's the most important meal of the day." So another great recipe I found is for some Maple Granola bars! YUM! =)
Lastly next Monday begins my one month mark starting this diet and also marks the day I will be waking up at 5:30 to go to the gym(if you know me, you know I am NOT a morning person). My mom and I made a deal that she would meet me there and whoever bails first has to cook or buy a meal for the other person! So say a prayer for me! lol.
Have a blessed and amazing Ash Wednesday everyone! =)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

starting fresh

So I started this blog a few years ago because of my friend April, well I am back because of her again! lol
I decided to start this because I feel it is a way for me to hold my self accountable to the goals I want to accomplish this year!
The first of those goals losing weight! I started that journey on February 14, 2011 and I am down 12lbs. I am very proud of what I have accomplish thus far...but I have a loooonnnggggg way to go! But this time I am doing it all for ME!! (well and maybe a little for April's wedding in July! lol)
My second goal that I will be starting in the summer is SCHOOL! I am going to start the cosmetology program! I have always had a passion for hair and make up! I can not wait to start!
So here begins my journey...hopefully you will be seeing post from me every week, if not every day! =)